Recent content by thrashmaniac87

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    Top 80's horror movies

    Return of the living dead night of the demons zombie 4 evil dead texas chainsaw massacre 2
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    Metal books

    headbanging history of heavy metal improbable history of death metal and grindcore
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    I was at that show too. It was the greatest night of my life. The pit was awsome and they played perfectly and they had an killer set list.
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    Fave 80's THRASH outside the big 4 !!!!

    testament exodus dark angel municipal waste toxic holocaust kreator sodom destruction holy terror hallows eve mandator deathrow the accused death angel witches hammer beowulf
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    Post your currently rotating CDs

    Crumbsucker-Beast on my Back Metal Massacre 2 Kreator- Endless Pain Death- Scream Bloody Gore Suicidal Tendencies- S/T
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    Nuclear Blast signs Agnostic Front

    Their new stuff is horrible. They used to be soo good and now they sound like Hatebreed. :mad:
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    BATHORY Mastermind QUORTHON Dies

    Quorthon died about 3 days after i started listening to Bathory. I was so bummed to hear about his death.