Recent content by Thunarr

  1. T


    Just a quick note to say "Thanks" for playing Blood For The Blood God at the Leeds Well gig. I was too young to come and see you guys the first time round (even though I had everything from the flexi upwards), so finally getting to see one of my all-time favourite bands made me rather happy...
  2. T


    How's this for a touch of cheeky bugger-y? I've just started doing a little podcasting. I'm looking for gigs, new bands, Metal nights and new music to plug. Obviously, I'm also looking for listeners. If you want to contribute, send me mp3's to play or guess The Connection and send in the...
  3. T

    HELL AND SABBAT!!!!!!!!

    Any more news about this one? T
  4. T

    Sabbat Gig in December

    Huzzah! I really hoped this would happen. Now then. Whereabouts in the Uni, I wonder? T
  5. T

    keep it true festival

    Bollocks. Worth a try, though. T
  6. T

    keep it true festival

    A proper UK tour, for definite. I was too young to travel far enough to see you the first time round, and seeing Martin's Return To The Sabbat a couple of times, I REALLY want to see the real thing. Would have gone to the Cradle thing, but trekking over to Manchester on a "school" night...
  7. T

    history of a time to come

    Yup. The UK version of the vinyl did have the song titles on the back, underneath a painting of the band. Incidentally, there was a spelling mistake on the track listing on the actual disc itself. Dead Man's Robe was, apparently, called "A Dad Man's Robe". I found it amusing, anyway. T