Recent content by tiago_1979

  1. T

    WoY - Back catalogue

    Hi Maybe they don't have it anymore... Never got the email! (( Thanks anyway
  2. T

    WoY - Back catalogue

    I've found one of the 2 out of stock... Do you know how can I contact them? I've sent an email, but no one answered it... Or you can buy it and I'd buy from you...
  3. T

    WoY - Back catalogue

    Hi guys, Do you know if Davd's family is still selling WoY back catalogue? I've tried to contact David's brother, but never got an answer... I'm interested in Home 7", Best of 2002-2007 and 1st edition of Woods 4. Thanks for your help! Tiago:muahaha:
  4. T

    Anyone of you have Ulver - Trilogie?

    Well, I just bought the triologie in eBay (just over 300 dollars), but I think one thing is missing... My box has: 3 Lp, 3 posters and 1 LP size booklet But in some photos I've seen a 4 element - a small white booklet with one wolf in the cover... Can you help? Thanks