Recent content by tiffanyismetal

  1. tiffanyismetal

    The Game Thread

    Yay, finally called in for my label, so it should be here within a few days to be shipped off and to be fixed (:
  2. tiffanyismetal

    What are you doing at this moment?

    Listening to music, IMing a friend, and messing around on Facebook, probably either going to draw or play guitar in a few.
  3. tiffanyismetal

    COB T Shirts?

    Oh oops, my mistake lol. Great shirt Miss Sonia ^^
  4. tiffanyismetal

    Summer Festivals 2010

    Ugh I don't want to wait, but I guess I will, thanks guys.
  5. tiffanyismetal

    What are you doing at this moment?

    Getting ready to meet with my boyfriend so he can stay for the weekend (:
  6. tiffanyismetal

    What are you doing at this moment?

    Listening to Children of Bodom & hoping to become tired real soon so I can get tomorrow over with :D
  7. tiffanyismetal

    What are you listening to?

    Perry Mason - Ozzy Osbourne
  8. tiffanyismetal

    COB T Shirts?

    That shirt looks amazing Rhia :D Whenever I get some money my next purchase will defiantly be a CoB shirt
  9. tiffanyismetal

    Summer Festivals 2010

    Yeah I'm a pretty new fan ;P Anyone has a good guess of when they will tour in the USA again?
  10. tiffanyismetal

    The Game Thread

    I'm hoping they come out with a Doom 4. I absolutely loved Doom 3, one of my favorite games
  11. tiffanyismetal

    What are you doing at this moment?

    @Vikk: I meant I'll be next to delete my facebook or remove guys from my list or something retarded lol... I just got home ;P
  12. tiffanyismetal

    What are you doing at this moment?

    Lol, don't worry Vikk I'll probably be next ;P ... anyway getting ready for school :/
  13. tiffanyismetal

    Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

    You would want it to say 'little friend'... lol just kidding! I don't know you so yeah, don't get mad or anything ;P
  14. tiffanyismetal

    Recent Purchases

    Level 1 & 2 of Alexi Laiho's Guitar tutorial for my boyfriends late late Christmas present ;>>
  15. tiffanyismetal

    What are you doing at this moment?

    Lurking the forums & thinking about how amazing it would be to see CoB live and to have Alexi's Alexi 600 Pink guitar :"3