Recent content by Timmsie95

  1. Timmsie95

    Marvelous Mixing Practice - Periphery "Ragnarok"

    This was amazingly well done! I know I'm a bit late to the party, but here's my mix. I would have used Superior Drummer, but I didn't want to change the MIDI notes, and I think this turned out alright. I used my Line 6 Helix to re-amp the guitars.
  2. Timmsie95

    The Updated Multis to Mix Thread

    Wow, great job, man!
  3. Timmsie95

    TFOG challenge! Best mix will be used in music video + gets reward

    Here's my mix! I replaced the kick with a sample of an 18"x22" Tama Starclassic Bubinga, and re-amped the guitar tracks with a JCM 800 on the left, and a Plexi on the right, but everything else is the original tracks. Hope you like it!
  4. Timmsie95

    TFOG challenge! Best mix will be used in music video + gets reward

    Hi, I'm new to this forum. I came across this thread looking for stems to practice mixing. Gonna have a go at it!