Recent content by TIP-Doppelkeks

  1. TIP-Doppelkeks

    Who wants a Stone DVD?

    to that guy above; he buys 150 DVDs for 32 euros, get's rid of twenty that way, and and got 130 left. great plan!
  2. TIP-Doppelkeks

    Who wants a Stone DVD?

    think the idea is fine. and six bucks isn't really that much for a blank dvd, plus shipping to whereever. just bought a CD from ebay yesterday and shipping was two euros. from germany to germany! think of that. but it's interessting to see, that pallar offers to ship his stuff around for...
  3. TIP-Doppelkeks

    Lee Jackson Preamp

    didn't alexi use a 5150 for something wild?
  4. TIP-Doppelkeks

    Lee Jackson Preamp

    this wasn't directed only to you, but I mentioned words like fanboy, or wannabe are used quite frequently in here... ;) don't understand all that discussing about it. just wanted to throw my 2c in. how much did you pay for the 2502 btw? does it also have KT88s in it like the big ones...
  5. TIP-Doppelkeks

    Lee Jackson Preamp

    maybe you try a hughes&kettner VS250. hear nothing but good things about them, they got great reviews in harmonycentral and they can be bought quite cheap. they even offer triode/pentode (if that's it) mode, which allows you to reduce the power bout 50%. they are all tube (got a whole lotta...
  6. TIP-Doppelkeks

    Lee Jackson Preamp

    I once ran a GP1000 into my triamp, and it sounded like arse... :lol: try connecting it into the FX-return und turn the fx-mix to plain wet. this way you pass the combos preamp, and should be able to get a better result. I'm pretty sure the lack of a real poweramp is the reason for your...
  7. TIP-Doppelkeks

    Lee Jackson Preamp

    what's your poweramp cobhc?
  8. TIP-Doppelkeks

    Lee Jackson Preamp

    a triamp in good condition is about 900 euros I'd say. but great amp btw!! got one on my own, if you need any further information feel free to pm. one of the best amps there is IMO, and surely one of the best looking. @cobhc; I thought you had enough of that? :lol: now gavin hates you...
  9. TIP-Doppelkeks

    Interested in buying a Jackson Wildchild RR???

    thx bob, I will try to watch out for some of those. been looking for something similar for quite a while now. rhoads desing rocks, but it surely got some disatvantages. now it's one less.. ;) and yeah, it probably is support, looks like a typo there...
  10. TIP-Doppelkeks

    Interested in buying a Jackson Wildchild RR???

    yep, that happened to others before... :lol: what about posting a pic of these stands btw? would be something different... where did you get them? I put mine on the wall, but I can't take half of my room on stage you now... looks cool. is this a patwa slang btw? good to go!
  11. TIP-Doppelkeks

    Interested in buying a Jackson Wildchild RR???

    must be great to be you bob... post pics of your stuff every week and get invied by jobless kids who think about prostituation to get some cash together. if they every offer you something unclean, remember, they're probably still kids, and you might go to prison for that. but sounds like fun...
  12. TIP-Doppelkeks

    Interested in buying a Jackson Wildchild RR???

    sweet axe man, looks like an extreme rhoads, is it? the body looks smaller or is it just coz it's so far away from the headstock? :lol:
  13. TIP-Doppelkeks


    you should try audio catalyst maybe. great program for rippin... it works fast, you got the feel of control for everything and it does work almoust alone once you did some configuration. I like it. if you want you might contact me on icq 98142833 for further "information". ;)
  14. TIP-Doppelkeks

    TLSO mp3?

    what the fuck is going on here? did I miss something? is there a special plan behind it or just three minds having the same stupid idea here... ;) looks disturbing... :lol:
  15. TIP-Doppelkeks

    For all you guitar freaks: double neck guitar video

    this is really, what the world needed. I understand the sense in usual double necks, like two necks on one side, a 6 and a 7, or a 6 and a 12 string, or whatever, for having lots of sounds an that stuff, but this dual-guitar thing looks really, well.... I don't feel a need for it. it looks...