Recent content by tom once dead

  1. tom once dead

    Children of Bodom songs you DON'T like

    Both Red light in my eyes. Thats it. Something Wild would have to be my least favourite album.
  2. tom once dead

    advice on buying Amp

    Look used.
  3. tom once dead

    The Children Of Bodom Gear Thread

    Looks to me like a white (or silver, can't tell) version of his ESP sig.
  4. tom once dead

    The Children Of Bodom Gear Thread

    okay, I just found out what Henkka Uses after 43 pages I'm supprised no had already. Basses: ESP Henkka T. Blacksmith Forest Signature Bass,4 string (34" neckthru body alder, EMG 35DC) ESP Henkka T. Blacksmith Bottom Line Signature Bass,5 string ( 34" neckthru body alder, EMG 40DC pickups)...
  5. tom once dead

    What musical instrument can you play?

    I play bass. I could probably play any CoB song If I bothered to learn them, But I have learned Kissing the Shaddows, Living Dead beat and tie my rope. I use my ampeg svt3 pro and Sansamp BDDI to get henkkas tone almost exactly.
  6. tom once dead

    Do your parents like Bodom?

    Mum likes them more than DeviDriver, does that count? Dad hates all metal.
  7. tom once dead

    COB Pics

    my friend also looks a *tiny* bit like Alexi
  8. tom once dead

    The Children Of Bodom Gear Thread

    so NO ONE has any idea what henkka uses? even some decent live shots that you can see his head/rackmount system?
  9. tom once dead


    The CoB conert I went to was all ages, but there werent that many real youngsters there, they were all at the back of the venue becuase they couldnt handle the pit, which was insane. I am very pro all ages gigs, but I think 16+ would be better.
  10. tom once dead

    Best Bands For Bodom To Tour With.

    I think this band would have been good with CoB, if they had a different singer, and if so they would still be together :(
  11. tom once dead

    Valentines Date With Children of Bodom in Glasgow!!!

    damn I wish I was in the UK somtimes
  12. tom once dead

    The First Bodom Song You Ever Heard?

    Kissing the shadows, some band on myspace had a cover of it (without vocals or bass) I didnt know it was a cover untill they told me, Then I went to the COB myspace and got addicted. 4 months later I spent $400 to see them live, and it was worth it.
  13. tom once dead

    The Children Of Bodom Gear Thread

    Does anybody know what HEAD henkka uses? I read somwhere that it was an Ampeg SVT 3 Pro, But I dont know how true that was. sorry if its already been posted, But I'm not searching through 42 pages to find it.