Recent content by Tom_Bombadil

  1. Tom_Bombadil


    Those were the days... :)
  2. Tom_Bombadil

    Regarding t-shirt design Like here ???
  3. Tom_Bombadil

    the "what are you currently listening to" thread

    My Favourite Folk Metal Band...
  4. Tom_Bombadil

    the "what are you currently listening to" thread

    Just found this video again...the song and the video haven´t lost their intensity...
  5. Tom_Bombadil

    the "what are you currently listening to" thread

    Since i bought "Collide and spark" from amazon i can´t stop listen to it. Like written before : This would be a highlight track on any avantasia Matt : Please make this a Project for a whole album !!!
  6. Tom_Bombadil

    Other Christian Prog Bands?

    When you´re searching for christian Prog it´s always worth to check out Torman Maxt. I still love their first album "Just talking about the far" and listen to it quite often. The other albums are great too, but they repeat a bit too much in my opinion. But great albums to check...
  7. Tom_Bombadil

    Stryper/Theocracy Tour?

    @Aish : While i´m also one of those 40year old fans (okay, 39, but i feel i belong to the group, Rawshik talked about*g*) here´s an advice : buy "Murder by Pride" first. I still don´t like Reborn(never liked it - still i don´t find a single song on it to like), but Murder by Pride has some GREAT...
  8. Tom_Bombadil

    the "what are you currently listening to" thread

    Can´t wait for the new Deliverance album. The released song is so cool, i can´t count how often i heard it in the last days. No more industrial influence...JUST METAL. And Jayson Sherlock (Mortification) on drums. It rocks !!!
  9. Tom_Bombadil

    Other Christian Prog Bands?

    I know it´s a little bit off-topic, but i just found this : 101 rules of prog metal while it´s older, some of you might already know it, to me it was new and i laughed a lot*g*.
  10. Tom_Bombadil

    the "what are you currently listening to" thread

    Yeah....Christian is quite a guitarplayer.He went to school with my brother. Years ago i took him to Christmas Rock night here in Germany, Tourniquet was headliner and i remember him being blown away by Ken Tamplin ;-)
  11. Tom_Bombadil

    the "what are you currently listening to" thread

    But as good as the new extol song sounds...there´s an album im waiting for much more. And i can´t stop listening to the preview song. It´s so amazing...
  12. Tom_Bombadil

    the "what are you currently listening to" thread

    Thanks for the Extol definetely made my day :-) The song is VERY promising !
  13. Tom_Bombadil


    Thanks man ;-) HERE is a clip of a song i wrote ("Psalm"). It´s from our second CD...of course self-produced and only sold at our gigs ;-)
  14. Tom_Bombadil

    the "what are you currently listening to" thread

    Listening to a lot of Falconer at the moment. I LOVE the swedish folk-harmonies in their songs. And the voice of Mathias Blad is just outstanding...
  15. Tom_Bombadil


    @snert : Yep...lifesong is great...i still believe they listened to a lot of U2 records before recording it *g*.