Recent content by TommyPickles

  1. T

    Quo Vadis Tour 2009 !

    I'll be in Texas for most of August :erk: :cry: But I'll leave early if you guys end up coming out :kickass: Oh long has the bass tab book been on the site? Had no idea.
  2. T

    New (weird) Opeth Interview

    You guys need to lighten up. How many times do you need to watch/read an interview that starts with: "Coil is very different because...." "So there are blast beats in Lotus...." I'm sure bands that get interviewed frequently love this type of interview every once in a while.
  3. T

    Live from Malmö on Swedish Radio P3?

    Fantastic quality. Nice to have such a good recording of Godheads Lament.
  4. T

    Mikael is dead :( :(

    When you've sold enough albums to circle the world a few times over...what else is there to do?
  5. T

    Mikael is dead :( :(

    RIP. Screw the haters. The man put out timeless classic after another and all of that was overshadowed by a bunch of people trying to get some money out of him. Shame really. I'll take MJ and Opeth to my grave.
  6. T

    Quo Vadis Tour 2009 !

    I'm guessing this starts in a few hours?
  7. T

    (old) Miakael on metalcore

    ...Blabbermouth is still relevant? There is opinion, and then there's blabbermouth :rolleyes:
  8. T

    New Mikael's blog post

    I would be incredibly annoyed if it's Metallica. The only good thing about them "opening" for that band is that I could get in and out. Don't really care about ticket prices since I don't put a limit on what I'd pay to see this band. Now Megadeth and Opeth on the other hand would be fantastic...
  9. T

    5/14 @ The Regency's Grand Ball Room

    Nope. They were fixing some shit. No clue what he said and his reaction to the non-reaction was :err: I thought Enslaved was alright. Although I LOVED the song he declared as old. The droning riff was really atmospheric. Being on the barricade at that place is a terrible experience. I had...
  10. T

    Worst song poll part 3

    I love dirge. Funeral Portrait easily.
  11. T

    Quo Vadis Tour 2009 !

    If those are all of the tour dates, I'm going to cry.
  12. T

    Opeth 2009 Tour Prediction/Dream Setlists

    I'll have to avoid this place for two weeks. I'll be damned if the setlist is ruined. I don't wanna know shit going in.
  13. T

    Annoying thing about Opeth

    Never noticed. Not bothered. They could loop the end to Masters Apprentice all day. I actually do it myself.
  14. T

    Controversial Opeth Opinions

    The Moor is the worst song on Still Life. It completely drags the album down before it even starts. Godheads Lament is the definitive Opeth song and should have opened the album.
  15. T

    New audio interview with Mikael

    I don't see what the problem is. They started up in early 2008 with Melloboat and the Arch Enemy tour and have been everywhere since then. Plus, most folks will see them again this year. I will have seen this band 4 times in the span of one year. They can take a break :)