Recent content by toxi44

  1. toxi44


    this is gr8*
  2. toxi44

    I want to change my username...

    u people rock:notworthy! what about kronos?:zombie: pop sucks:Puke: rock rocks:rock death gets u nowhere but its the scenic route:OMG: bye
  3. toxi44

    Hi Folks

    hi am new 2 am 4rm sa n i woul luv 2 go 2 ireland 1 day hows the metal scene there? get back soon! ciao! toxi
  4. toxi44


    Hi! (U got my attention!) would luv 2 chat cos u soun so interesting! ciao! toxi
  5. toxi44

    get off our backs!!!!!!!!

    Dont u wish people will GET A LIFE? i resently lost a job cos i was too 'punk'. come on is that a valid reason?get over it we r allowed 2 show our true selves n its none of their busness!