Recent content by tungmetal

  1. T

    Whitesnake's Purple Surprise in May

    I recently rediscovered Whitesnake and once again I find myself mesmerized by his voice and the sound of the band. I'm pre-ordering this one
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    Indie label CENTURY MEDIA In Talks About Possible Major-Label Acquisition

    I think the general scepticism of major labels among metal heads and fear of one's favorite artist being labeled as a sell out is enough for a lot of people to frown at this particular news story
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    The Books/Reading Thread

    I'm new to the thread and the forum, but I am a big fantasy guy. I'm nearing the completion of a song of ice and fire, for the fourth time. There's just so many nuances to the story, that I discover new details on almost every page. I've have also been reading Ellefsons book
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    KISKE / SOMERVILLE - City of Heroes

    Sounds good. I wish Kiske would stay with one project long enough to do some shows