Recent content by Turisas_fan

  1. T

    Turisas with Lordi @ Birmingham Academy 27-10-2006

    thee best gig ive ever been to didnt expect a viking metal band to be touring with Lordi though, not complaining though
  2. T

    Turisas in manchester today

    thats a first ive seen, a g-unit fan liking folk metal :kickass:
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    Introduction thread

    hey all, im a long time metal fan..especially folk metal i only found out about Turisas last night though at the lordi gig! so much i had missed but glad i found them now! what else to say..i play guitar :]
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    Turisas team up with Lordi for UK shows this October!!

    FUCKING AWESOME SHOW AT BHAM blew my mind i didnt know turisas before this show..but HOLY FUCK they are awesome my favorite song of theres being one more..fucking YEAH!