Recent content by Tzoni

  1. Tzoni

    For Anyone who Does NOT play WOW !!!

    Dude MMORPGS really are addicting. I haven't played it since since summer. At first, it's fun, but after some of the quest, it became boring and stupid. Plus, I had to pay 30 euros every 2 months to play. I'm telling you, it's just not worth it. Now I must try to save my bro from that shit...
  2. Tzoni

    Happy Birthday Steve

    I wish you a happy birthday, even if I am too late! I don't log on the Internet that often! Anywayz, Happy Birthday and be healthy!:)
  3. Tzoni

    Tabs Or Ear Training?

    Thanks a lot for the advice man! And get well soon!
  4. Tzoni

    Tabs Or Ear Training?

    Everyone, I've been playing guitar for like two years and I would like to know if it's best to learn a song by ear, or try playing it by reading a tab. My personal opinion is that ear training is best, but still, I don't know if reading tabs is going to better my techique. Anyone playing guitar...
  5. Tzoni

    So I ordered a C7 Hellraiser today.

    Probably because its quality is almost equal to many expensive guitars. As for the custom guitar, I've heard that a signature model is going to be made for him.
  6. Tzoni

    So I ordered a C7 Hellraiser today.

    That'd be great dude. Thanks. :)
  7. Tzoni

    So I ordered a C7 Hellraiser today.

    In Greece, there only one dealer of Schecter guitars, and he says that the price is the same like the one in the Schecter site (999 dollars=980 euros). Am I going to be ripped off of my money if I order it from him?:confused: