Recent content by umdebaba

  1. umdebaba

    5 Fav Instrumental Albums

    When Day Descends - Transend Jaga Jazzist - What We Must Bohren und Der Club of Gore - Sunset Mission Esbjorn Svensson Trio - Viaticum Pelican - The Fire In Our Throats Will Beckon the Thaw
  2. umdebaba

    Growling tips?

    Umdebaba's Unofficial Guide to Growling The 'magic technique' you hear being thrown around in the talks of growling actually refers to a technique in actual singing called the diaphragm push. It is also referred to as "growling for your gut" or "growling from your stomach". What you want to do...
  3. umdebaba

    Who wants to growl for me?

    Check your private messages
  4. umdebaba

    Audio Tutorial - Growling

    This is an audio tutorial on growling I made that is around 5 minutes long. If someone could host this somewhere that would be great. At the end there is my short take on the intro of the vocals of "Ghost of Perdition" by Opeth. Have a listen and comment on what should be changed or added. For...
  5. umdebaba

    Growling/Screaming Guide

    I'm working on another but more in-depth guide for breathing exercises, throat relaxation, and tonal centering/concentration. The main focus will be what you physically need to do in order to get your best possible sound. The thing that people will benefit most from the guide is the power...
  6. umdebaba

    Growling/Screaming Guide

    Good work, thanks for credit as well. Cheers!
  7. umdebaba

    Opeth's live setlist

    demon of the fall is always the encore
  8. umdebaba

    Forumers cover the O band... This cover a did a while back. Vocals are pretty good so check em out. Let me know what you all think of the vocals.
  9. umdebaba

    Growls - can they harm your throat?

  10. umdebaba

    Growls - can they harm your throat?

    Umdebaba's Unofficial Guide to Growling The 'magic technique' you hear being thrown around in the talks of growling actually refers to a technique in actual singing called the diaphragm push. It is also referred to as "growling for your gut" or "growling from your stomach". What you want to...
  11. umdebaba

    Thomas Lindberg / Dan Swano melodic growls, any hints?

    I recorded the track and then used multiple layers when recording my voice. The only reason for the layering for for presence. Death vocals in parts like that tend to sound better layered. But no effects were used on the vocals except for very slight reverb. And a little more reverb on the last...
  12. umdebaba

    Thomas Lindberg / Dan Swano melodic growls, any hints?

    For a sample of my growls here is the link of the weeman_clip.mp3 The vocals were recorded in a few minutes and were not fixed for minor errors.
  13. umdebaba

    Thomas Lindberg / Dan Swano melodic growls, any hints?

    Umdebaba's Unofficial Guide to Growling The 'magic technique' you hear being thrown around in the talks of growling actually refers to a technique in actual singing called the diaphragm push. It is also referred to as "growling for your gut" or "growling from your stomach". What you want to...
  14. umdebaba


    There was an error in the post which caused it not to be sent to the top. It stayed at the location where it was which was like 3 posts from the end. That is why I bumped it. It's not like this forum has traffic in 8 minutes.
  15. umdebaba

