Recent content by Underscore

  1. Underscore

    Samantha !! I Love You !! You`re The Best !!

    Well, tell us, what have you sent?
  2. Underscore

    29/9, ancient fortrest of Shuni, Binyamina, Israel

    Oh, Avi, will you spare a bed for me too? :) I have some problems with getting there. :tickled: I'm still thinking about this. It's OL's Bar-Mitzva, but it's also Sukot. And getting there.. brrrr.. anyway, It's pretty obvious that I WILL be there eventually.. and for all of you guys that...
  3. Underscore

    What other bands do you like?

    Oh, I like that kind of questions. Well.. I like a lot of things, but the thinks I like the best aren't so Metal. So. At the Gates Astarte Opeth (!) Tool (it's not metal! say whatever you like, it's not metal and it's not nu-metal) Mork Gryning Katatonia (!) Nevermore Alice In Chains...
  4. Underscore

    Underground Bands

    I think I'm very much bribed on this question; My favorite "underground" band is the Israeli "Kna'an", that are my very good friends.. :blush: Melodic-Death-Metal (though it's not exactly my style). They're cool.
  5. Underscore

    the one and only

    Ahh, she's so amazing.. Gives me the chills. Oh.
  6. Underscore

    Festical Pictures !!

    Ahh, umm... hey there. Got a link for this thread and decided that I really should stay.. Hoping to be welcomed. (must say, the English is NOT my first language and the writing isn't that fabulous. I speak much better than I write, but hey, it's a forum..) Anyways. The OL show on the...