Recent content by userchanged1

  1. U

    OnePlus Two invite

    anyone have one to spare? I am willing to pay a little
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    E3 2015

    try billions :hypno: the thing is it is procedurally generated, which means they only program base parameters, the game randomly generates the fauna and flora whenever a player visits a new planet. I figure the config of that planet will then be saved on a server for other players. so...
  3. U

    Video Camera advice needed!

    well i used to own a canon XL-1, which was pretty neat back in its day. Obviously I am not talking about pocket camcorders. But honestly I've been out of the game too long to be able to direct you towards a good value for money camcorder. The thing I had a problem with was the SD card...
  4. U

    Video Camera advice needed!

    My advice would be to buy an actual camcorder for video. All I see mentioned here are photocamera's with video capabilities. Sure some of them get good quality, but if you really want a camera for video, buy a videocamera! If you plan to use it as a photocamera too, ignore what I said...
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    Building a website

    Wordpress is not at all secure. You just have to ask yourself why would anyone want to hack MY site?
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    What the guitar companies don't want you to know (video)

    i watched it all the way through, but i am still scratching my head over this one. He bashes basically every guitar company, accusing them of marking up too much. But doesn't he sell 3000 dollar guitars? He criticizes companies'PR tactics but gives a 45 minute PR talk himself. weird
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    Can't go wrong with Nolan/Zimmer combination.

    Somewhat off-topic, but i saw 'Predestination' the other day and it was pretty good. Very Nolan-esque if you ask me. So for those who like this kind of thing: go watch it!
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    Can't go wrong with Nolan/Zimmer combination.

    I am a big fan of Nolan, but I was also a bit underwhelmed, even though I did think it was a decent movie. I am pretty positive though that a lot of the mentioned 'obvious plot holes' come from our limited understanding of the physics at work there. When reading up on it, it does seem to me...
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    One Morning Left - The Star of Africa (crabcore, Sturgis mix)

    So what happened to LORDI???:Smokedev:
  10. U

    guitar USA to EU import

    yeah and even then the customs aren't retards... I've done it before and if they suspect anything fishy going on they ask for some official document which states the price so if they then find out you've tried to hustle them you're double f***ed. I guess its clear, not worth the risk. Still...
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    guitar USA to EU import

    So i've been wanting to buy the KM-7, which is listed for just under 1300 euros in most EU stores. When I search in the US, I can find the exact same guitar for under 700 euros (converted) easily. WTF... That is like half the price... So I was thinking of taking the risk and just ordering...
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    X50 v2.0

    just so you know I have installed it on my laptop successfully in 64 bit. AND I have been experiencing problems with other 64-bit VSTs on my main desktop so maybe the problem is on my end.
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    Why do people think the Axe Fx 2 is worth the money? (TSE vs. Axe FX)

    i'm not saying it is impossible, but sure you agree there are more elegant ways. Apart from sound quality which I am a noob at; 1 dedicated device for your whole signal chain and automation is just extremely practical and is in my eyes the major buying incentive. Axe FX is the cure for...
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    X50 v2.0

    yeah it works on 32 bit i have an i7-4770 @3.40GHz and 12 GB ram well i can use it so there's no hurry :kickass:
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    X50 v2.0

    any idea? The plugin doesnt show in the list when i try to load it in the fx rack