Recent content by Valedictory

  1. Valedictory

    post your pic.....

    That burger is just not edible!!
  2. Valedictory

    post your pic.....

    I can't remember if i ever posted in the forum, tho i've been registered for ages, trieeeeeeeeed to read all this topic but its so damn long! Besos!
  3. Valedictory

    new tori amos

    Thanks for the link im sooo happy hehehe
  4. Valedictory

    Im just lost here

    AGAIN Thanks... i wish i could lock the topic hahahaha. Thanks and thanks for you kind words, this girl has a tough time dealing with breakups... see ya in the forum :wave:
  5. Valedictory

    Im just lost here

    Thanks guys :Smug:
  6. Valedictory

    Im just lost here

    Well Magus, that made me laugh :) , Bastet thanks for replying dearly. Fuck i hate this day... Thanks
  7. Valedictory

    Im just lost here

    Thanks for your replys... universal empathy´s hard i know... cheers
  8. Valedictory

    what have you been doing today?

  9. Valedictory

    post your honest reviews of the DVD, recent gigs and nick drake album here

    Well i dont have the DVD yet, cuz its quite of expensive since its imported over here, we can get it only for some 45 USD which is a lot right now for my budget :cry: The CD was gorgeous as expected, so ill just have to wait for some money to fall into my pocket and get the DVD.
  10. Valedictory

    Xmas presents

    Well over here in Mexico we have that same tradition "Los Santos Reyes" and its usually only gifts for kids, while in Christmas everyone gets presents, i think its a legacy of the spanish colonization.
  11. Valedictory

    DVD release 15th november

    Hey Danny could you just point some light here? I read on the web stores its in PAL format, im afraid if i buy it i wont be able to see it here in Mexico since we use NTSC... help please !!!