Recent content by .VELA.

  1. .VELA.

    Who plays spastic ink stuff?

    I play drums, and i know a few songs
  2. .VELA.


    Awesome! finally a Ron's official myspace
  3. .VELA.

    Spastic Ink and Edgar´s Fall

    lol.... that's my vid! im megavela this vid was sooooo famous... The local newspaper did a special report on that kid who falls.. and they "interviewed" me cuz mi video was the first one uploaded on youtube (beside the original one)... and the newspaper mentioned Spastic Ink thanks to me ;)...
  4. .VELA.


    wow! just the album it's just awesome!! can't wait to buy it!
  5. .VELA.

    RonJarz Myspace profile...

    grate song you uploaded... .. maybe my favorite
  6. .VELA.

    Silly question.

    I like Jason's voice, i don't understand either why they say it's no good and stuff... I like what he does in Ink Compatible
  7. .VELA.

    Personal Guitar Lessons with Ron

    That would be so cool
  8. .VELA.

    Backwards message at the beggining of multi-masking?

    I did the same thing before having this file
  9. .VELA.

    Backwards message at the beggining of multi-masking?

    at first, I was scared at the message... but when I played it backwards, I just laughed... hahaha Does someone knows who's voice is that?
  10. .VELA.

    I was suprised when I saw this pic....

    intresting thread
  11. .VELA.

    WTF!? an one-eye kitten!?

  12. .VELA.

    Damn it!!

  13. .VELA.

    WTF!? an one-eye kitten!?

    indeed... it kind of sucks cuz it reminds me of a cat that I had that was white too..
  14. .VELA.

    Wacky Note Generation Software

    woah.. cool