Recent content by veneficus83

  1. V

    More than Wal Mart elsewhere can be easier said than done in certain areas... if you are in a rural area often the only place that you can get everything you need is at the nearest wal-mart... this is actually a big part of how wal-mart spreads is it goes into areas with little of now shoping...
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    The Five Most Intellectually Insulting Films

    while, some of those are arguementive.... starship troopers was bad...very very bad... particularly if you ever read the book...cause they are nothing alike... except they both have bugs and marines in them... and some of the same names for charactors in the movie and the book... though the...
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    Goth Rock

    I like some of it....some of it is kinda monotonous....Moonspell is good stuff
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    well...they are alright...ive heard better...and ive heard worse
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    Any one like goth rock?

    yes tis good stuff
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    Chicks Growling

    so so true:rock:
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    Chapelle Show

    tis very good
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    H.P Lovecraft

    love him...
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    Corpse Bride dvd shelf date jan 31st

    love tim burton eventually i plan to get corspe bride...though i was disapponted with it.... it was way to short....
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    Horror Movies

    texas chainsaw massacre, Nightmare on elm street, Evil Dead, Dawn of the Dead, etc
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    White Supremecy

    Neo-Nazi's diffently view the KKK as a kinda joke...Neo-Nazi's tend to be anti-religion as well as anti-black *and other races as well include some that most people would consider white, such as eastern europeans* the KKK presently tends to be mostly anti-black only...very christian...and in...
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    The Guide To All Ranges Of Screaming

    dude...the death metal scream is supposed to guess something is just wrong with me cause the only way it has ever when i do it for hours......
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    Chicks Growling

    :OMG: :goggly: if the best growler/singer in the world was a chick...who happened to have small breast you wouldnt like the band....can i just say...that really does not seem very logical to me....
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    Your Favorite Brand of Guitar?

    not on the list...but im a PRS fan...though honestly i dont really play much mostly basing it off of what my friends say..and that its used by alot of my favorite bands