Recent content by vidh

  1. V

    With Oden On Our Side - Lyrics!

    Actually that song reminds me a lot of Victorious March :)
  2. V

    With Oden On Our Side - Lyrics!

    Following the wind in our sails I think it's: It will awake... It might be: lives Lightning cracks the blackened sky these lands When...
  3. V

    Damn leaked <_<

    Correct ;) It's like with cookies... I just can't keep my hands out of the jar, when I know they are there :P :goggly:
  4. V

    With Oden On Our Side - Lyrics!

    The village lies ahead(?)
  5. V

    With Oden On Our Side - Lyrics!

    Actually, I think it's threw, because he's pissed that he fled lmao, it's 'darkness' of course! Darkness flees the rising sun
  6. V

    With Oden On Our Side - Lyrics!

    plains champion(?) greets/greeks... or something lol Just a few spelling errors in Gods Of War Arise: dragon's pyre severed is the word panic & fear(?) near the/their wall of shields The enemy are in disarray .. as they run Send them to their ... graves It might be: they/the struggle with...
  7. V

    With Oden On Our Side - Lyrics!

    song rings My weapon in his Torgus? (or something like that. Starts with a T atleast...) flees It kinda sounds like biting frost, but I'm not entirely sure hardships we've endured I think it more sounds like: Ships were prepared "someone" disappeared in the east Sounds like something else than...
  8. V

    Damn leaked <_<

    I could have waited if I hadn't known that it was leaked. Now I just can't resist downloading. Of course I will still buy the album
  9. V

    With Oden On Our Side - Lyrics!

    Isn't it "to hall up high"? Makes more sense imho the dragon's breath 2000 men trail? I'm not listening to the song atm, but that seems to fit. wrath! King Olaf fell to (?)
  10. V

    CRY OF THE BLACK BIRDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

    Sounds good. Really looking forward to this album, especially after reading the review and hearing the songs. The album is released on my birthday as well! :D