Recent content by ViolentForest

  1. ViolentForest

    2008 Setlist

    Actually I haven't been here in about... maybe 6-9 months. I just got linked here from somewhere else and thought I'd login and state my opinion (my question about you being a dude was serious though) What's suprising is that on most forums, my opinion would of got me kicked or banned. Here it...
  2. ViolentForest

    2008 Setlist

    Are you really a guy or is that a joke to go with the picture? Anyway yeah on topic. Everyone keep making random lists of bodom songs. Let's start a few more threads about listing bodom songs in some sort of order that everyone cares deeply about.
  3. ViolentForest

    2008 Setlist

    Do any of you ever get sick of making lists of bodom songs all day?
  4. ViolentForest

    Get Well Soon, Alexi

    Who the fuck cares?
  5. ViolentForest

    The last one leaving hits the light.

    *Throws things into a bag and runs*
  6. ViolentForest


    Oh you weren't funny. The cat was funny.
  7. ViolentForest

    C. Norris vs. B. Fett

    Not possible. The only person in this world that could beat Batman is the pirate captain from 'Pirates, Vikings and Knights'. And possibly the Berserker Viking, he's pretty tough. But so is Batman.
  8. ViolentForest

    C. Norris vs. B. Fett

  9. ViolentForest

    C. Norris vs. B. Fett

    Never be fooled by that Van Damme fellow! Batman would smash him!
  10. ViolentForest

    C. Norris vs. B. Fett

    Everyone, vote for Batman!
  11. ViolentForest


    That so is nowhere near as funny as the cat on the bicycle.
  12. ViolentForest

    C. Norris vs. B. Fett

  13. ViolentForest


    Why 'Dos' though.. Did someone just make it up, does it have any exciting origins?
  14. ViolentForest


    Mistweaver obviously.. ;D
  15. ViolentForest

    It's the final countdown!

    Well he sounds like a good bloke. I'll wait a bit longer and see if it arrives then.