Recent content by vixTRON

  1. vixTRON

    5 worst metal bands of the past decade

    ARRRRRRRGGGGGHHHH!!!! That was painful. PAINFUL! It gets my vote. :waah:
  2. vixTRON

    Metal bands that mix in Rap/Hip Hop and don't suck

    I also like rap/hiphop. I'm open but skeptical of the concept of combining rap & metal and producing anything but garbage.
  3. vixTRON

    5 worst metal bands of the past decade

    Waking the Cadaver are pretty crappy. They're like a shitty high school garage band masquerading as a legitimate band. At least if they were just a shitty high school garage band you could say 'maybe they'll get better with time'. I think we're past that point.
  4. vixTRON

    5 worst metal bands of the past decade

    What a terrible list DEP is technical Hardcore. Not metal. Not even metalcore. Besides Under the Running Board and Calculating Infinity were really great. All their stuff since then has been god-awful though. JFAC went from run-of-the-mill deathcore to run-of-the-mill deathmetal. They are...
  5. vixTRON

    Metal bands that mix in Rap/Hip Hop and don't suck

    Rage Against The Machine is the closest I can think of. I'm not a huge fan, but their first couple were pretty good. You might want to check out some of the groovier 90's Hardcore bands. I was never very into those bands, but some of what I've heard the vocals almost approached "rapping" at times.
  6. vixTRON

    Brutal/Slam Death Metal

    None So Vile is their best album but Defenestration is probably my favorite song by them. Go fig.
  7. vixTRON

    Unique Sounding Grindcore

    Dead Mountain Mouth was a good album, but I wouldn't really consider GT a grindcore band. Anyways, for unique sounding(or at least standout) Grind: Discordance Axis - The Inalienable Dreamless Narcosis - Romance Orchid - chaos is me/dance tonight! revolution tomorrow! (this isn't...
  8. vixTRON

    Buying CDs in the modern age

    I agree with ObscureInfinity that metalcore is absolutely rife with really shitty photoshop art. Even good metalcore. But shitty art wouldn't stop me from supporting a band.
  9. vixTRON

    Buying CDs in the modern age

    OOP? What am I missing here?
  10. vixTRON

    Buying CDs in the modern age

    I couldn't care less about owning a physical copy of something. I have an ipod and bitchen speakers hooked up to my PC. I can just look up any art/info about a band/album on the internet. Basically I have no desire to "collect" or anything. I just want the music. So pretty much all the music I...
  11. vixTRON

    Controversial opinions on metal

    Orthrelm is fun to listen to for about 30 seconds, then they becomes annoying.
  12. vixTRON

    The pics thread

    It's metal is what it is. Fucking Metal. :rock:
  13. vixTRON

    Epic Doom Metal

    You have no idea what their level of interest in metal is, or their motivation for making the music they do, because for that would have to know them personally or at least have some kind of first hand knowledge in that regard. You don't. You can't tell that sort of shit just from your...
  14. vixTRON

    Epic Doom Metal

    Fair nuf. I just can't stand 'not tr00' criticisms of bands.