Recent content by VOIZE

  1. V

    New album out on november 20th!

    It Will Be Awesome \m/ Place your pre-order here:
  2. V


    Well the drums where shipped to the studio yesterday, so I'll guess we've reached the point of no return :kickass:
  3. V

    Tad Morose Live!

    Yet another proof of Guitarists not giving a fuck about the lyrics Vocalists are spending hours of bleeding eyes and agony to come up with :lol: The new song's called: TIMELESS DREAMING :rock:
  4. V

    The new guys in the band!

    :Saint: it wont - rest asured :Saint:
  5. V

    The new guys in the band!

    I meant "I HAD" all the time in the world now that I am in a band pumping out albums as if there was no tomorrow :p:goggly:
  6. V

    The new guys in the band!

    Yes I'm still in Steel Attack coz I'm a parasite of Society and have all the time in the world :lol:
  7. V

    The new guys in the band!

    HELL-o :rock: this will be great fun I'm sure, and having in mind the great singers before me I'll try my best to satisfy ya'll :zombie: Glad to be on board :Smokin: /Ronny Hemlin
  8. V


    JÄVLARRRR .... jag har ju bara MAC juh ... och med en sådan funkar det fan inte ... förbannad diskriminering :D