Recent content by Vulcano

  1. Vulcano

    Most depressing song you know?

    Wish you were here, Pink Floyd, always makes me think of a lost friend/love, "How I wish, how I wish you were here we're just two lost souls swimming in fish bowl, year after year running over the same old ground, what have we found? the same old fears, wish you were here..." describes...
  2. Vulcano

    Are you afraid of growing old?

    Ha ha, I prefer losing my ears:blush:, coz now with Viagra it can last forever, hahahaha
  3. Vulcano

    So long suckers!

    I dont like war and/or armies, and I dont wish anything bad for you, your inmates and afgan people, but in war the people die. What are you doing there? Ah, yes, free them from the Evil. The worst of all is that soldiers dont choose by themselves, they obbey their commands, and dont matter...
  4. Vulcano

    Now playing thread...

    Mylène Farmer - Live a Bercy :danceboy:
  5. Vulcano


    I've heard they want Steven Wilson (Porcupine Tree) to produce the new album, so OL must wait for him to have the time. Anyone knows if that's right?
  6. Vulcano

    The new Manu Chao album

    MMh, isnt one of my fav musicians, but I like his groovy music in live gigs, and the songs thematic. A few years ago, a friend of mine (she is journalist), go to a Manu's gig here in Valencia, reached for him without permissions, he ignored her, but then she said "I interviewed your father...
  7. Vulcano

    Our forum member talk about huge Corporations, on Youtube!

    Yes....... This is a sad reality. Nice video.
  8. Vulcano


    In the next mounths I'm moving to a new home too, and I'm gonna buy a Border Collie, a dog famous for its sheep work. This is the breeder's mainpage The only thing I can tell you is dogs are the best animals to live with, you'll...
  9. Vulcano

    Threshold tour

    Lucky, very lucky...........:waah:
  10. Vulcano

    a New fella in town ;)

    Hy guy!!1 Wellcome to the Family:kickass:
  11. Vulcano

    Shanah Tovah

    Happy new year to all, dont care if you are jewish, muslim, christian, heathen or atheist!!!!!!!!
  12. Vulcano

    Folk music songs from your countries

    Very interesting link, I love to learn about this kind of cultures. Bahat'dzarin video is better after smoking a weed joint:Smokedev: , I can imagine the old shaman in his eucaristic ancient rites. May the similarities between turkish and magyar come from the age of ottoman empire? They must...
  13. Vulcano

    Folk music songs from your countries

    Nobody knows the procedence of basque people, seems that they've been there from dawn of time. Their language is probably one of the older one in Europe, no related with any other, as magyar and finnish. Anyway, of course, they're caucasic indoeuropean, but nobody knows where they come from, so...
  14. Vulcano

    Folk music songs from your countries

    Yes, I think it's the most important celtic music festival. I hope someday I'll be there....
  15. Vulcano

    Folk music songs from your countries

    Surely you mean Interceltic Lorient festival? Carlos is very friend of Chieftains, and bretons Alan Stivell and Patrick Molard (je pense qu'ils sont bretons) Valravn- Olavur Riddararos is good, soun sas a mix of Bjork and Hedningarna Hrvatska link dont worked, but as far as I know, I...