Recent content by Vuvuzela

  1. Vuvuzela

    Bloodletter - Fast, Melodic Thrash from Chicago

    Hail Krampus! Happy Holidays to all of the UM folks here! Just wanted to see if anyone else was interested in check out the band!
  2. Vuvuzela

    Does angry metal calm you down?

    absolutely it does. it's a way to get out frustration with the little things that bug me during my day at work. or if i'm stressed out, it helps me a lot to just listen to something fast and aggressive.
  3. Vuvuzela

    Bloodletter - Fast, Melodic Thrash from Chicago

    Hey UM friends, My name's Pete (long time lurker) first time poster here on UM and I wanted to share my band Bloodletter with you. We're a newer trash metal from Chicago and if you dig harmonized riffs, fast tunes and songs about grim events, the occult and everything else that's messed...