Recent content by W33z

  1. W33z

    A taste of extreme divinity || New album

    I bet that those extra songs are gonna' be like coup de grâce in brutal style. :heh:
  2. W33z

    A taste of extreme divinity || New album

    Regards from Poland to all of you working very hard on this album. Hypocrisy have really dedicated fans over here (me including). ;] Denis, keep up the good work! There's an old polish saying: "Shit yourself, but don't give up!" It rhymes in polish though. ;p Yeah, it's awesome. I'll surely...
  3. W33z

    Who knows about films Peter appeard in?

    Sure. I prefer not uploading on RapidShit. Tell me which site would you like me to upload it on. ;)
  4. W33z

    Who knows about films Peter appeard in?

    It took me 2 weeks to get it from torrents. ;d I don't know if it's anywhere else.
  5. W33z

    Who knows about films Peter appeard in?

    Ok, as I said, here's Peter The Criminal: There's nothing more but I have a bonus for you. Peter fatality. :D
  6. W33z

    Who knows about films Peter appeard in?

    Ok, I've just seen some scenes from the movie "Exit" in which Peter played. Well... he was quiet. ;] And it was kinda' funny to see him as a criminal that kicks main character's ass. ;D Someone want to see screencaps?
  7. W33z

    what are ya listenin at?

    Yeah, I've seen and heard a lot of negative opinions about that new album. In fact, that's not GnR anymore. It's more like Axl's solo project. ;) But imho it still has some few nice songs.
  8. W33z

    what are ya listenin at?

    I'll name only three: - Celtic Frost (Especially Monotheist) - Disarmonia Mundi (Fragments of D-Generation) - New Guns N' Roses album (Not a masterpiece but still....) Kinda lazy month...
  9. W33z

    i got another hypocrisy tat

    Looks very nice. Congrats for courage. ;]
  10. W33z

    Catch 22.V.08 Thread

    Then come to Poland. Here Catch 22 V 2.0.08 costs a lot of, god damn, money! There is a little difference between our country and others. Just imagine that (for example) 15 dollars are a lot of money here while in USA it's cash-to-school (for what I've heard).
  11. W33z

    Catch 22.V.08 Thread

    I like it. ;] That's true that they could make a new album instead of this one, but despite this I really like the new version of Catch 22. Especially Turn The Page and Another Dead End. Good job imho. ;)
  12. W33z

    Where are we from?

    I agree, although this year I'm not coming to any festival. ;p Maybe next year will be more lucky (more money etc.). Oh, and thanks Tanya. :)
  13. W33z

    Where are we from?

    Well, we have Metalmania. It's very good (for what I have heard cuz I've never been there myself). ;]
  14. W33z

    Where are we from?

    Well that's one good about Poland. There are also nice views. Anyway, I'm trying not to be pessimistic but this country is just born to be hated (in my humble opinion of course). We are mostly antisemitic, have large amount of rasim and religious fanaticism. Our president is a complete idiot...
  15. W33z

    Catch 22.v2 samples online!!

    We all have to wait. ;] There is a remastered version of Penetralia from Metal Mind Productions. Someone bought it? Is it worth buying? ;p