Recent content by WackMastah10K

  1. W

    Iced Earth - Horror Show

    my fave ever would be Burnt Offerings (my gateway album) ...followed by Night of the Stormrider...then Iced Earth ( I love it musically...)...dark saga, something wicked, and horror show definately have memorable songs that will forever linger on in my head...but the albums as a whole don't hit...
  2. W

    Dead Heart As A Concept Album And Why I Like It.....

    DHIADW is a good album in my opinion...not as good as DNB...or POE i guess...but its still pretty damn good, i'd like it if it wasn't nevermore and just some other band Personally i don't like POE as much as most people tend to favorite is DNB, cuz that one hits me emotionally, i can...
  3. W

    Ways to improve vocal abilities.

    i do intend to have my own style, i just want to be able to have a broad vocal range...or make it as broad as i can... hopefully i will have a bass soon...and might have some music behind my screams..
  4. W

    What do you think Nevermore is singing about?

    i thought they confirmed that it was a date...
  5. W

    Nevermore show review

    DNB was/is my favorite album, i hope if i ever catch them live, that they do play something off of DNB...course they did play Sound of Silence and The River Dragon Has top 2 favorite songs... and damn are brutal....did those bands suck that bad?
  6. W

    Ways to improve vocal abilities.

    i'm not against it, its just right now i don't have the time or money to take lessons. Once i get those 2 variables taken care of i would prolly consider it, all i can really do right now is try and mimic my heroes the best i can i guess.... I do "practice" every now and then singing my own...
  7. W

    Ways to improve vocal abilities.

    I am trying to improve my singing for a band me and some buddies have started. Would you guys have any tips? I'm not to eager to actually go out and take lessons...not yet anyway.
  8. W

    What do you think Nevermore is singing about?

    THC...what is that supposed to mean?