Recent content by Waltheer

  1. Waltheer

    How Did You Discover Orphaned Land?

    It was back in 1994, after the release of Sahara. A friend of mine from spain send me a tape. I've been following the band eversince. My wishes came true last june the 1st, when i had the change to see them live in Lisabon. Forever orphaned... the storm still rages inside!
  2. Waltheer

    Photos Of You And Photos Of Orphaned Land

    Hello! The show in lisbon was great. Also all the guys in the band are very nice and it was a pleasure to meet you all. i took some pics, as soon as I get the film developed i will try to post some here. Take care!
  3. Waltheer

    You Might Be a Goth

    Hello everyone! First of all, congratulations to OL for the gig in Lisbon. Killer. Second, well, as far as I know, "colours" are the result of the refraction of white light. The "visible" colour is the part of the light that is not absorved by some materials. Black absorves all of the light and...