Recent content by Warrior of lochlann

  1. W

    Wacken pics !!!

    Fucking Hel man how tall is Johan?
  2. W

    How can i get a pena again which there is an Amon Amarth logo on it.

    ohh ok ...some people call them plecks and others call them picks or plectrums
  3. W

    mjolnir necklace

    have a go at makein your buying one made by some chinky in a sweat shop i started making them a wile ago a lot less fancy than the ones youll get but made my odinists for odinists ya kwnw heres a pic of the first one i ever made i know it looks shit but i like it haha i...
  4. W

    leather arm bands like johans

    hail, anyone know were i can get them? or something like them?
  5. W

    5 Jerks In AA

    i didnt like many of the thors hammers i seen online and because nowere in Éire makes them i made my own i know it looks shit but it means a bit to me ya know heres a pic...i also started making them out of wood and selling them to other odinists in Éire anyone want one get in touch...the pic...