Recent content by Waterdweller

  1. Waterdweller

    Which of these 2 Nightingale albums should I get next?

    Not sure if my opinion will get in on time...but what the hay...I vote for the Breathing Shadow...I think I is the best...personally...but this one is close...wasn't much for the Closing Chronicles, myself....thought it was a bunch of bs...but I have no taste :D
  2. Waterdweller


    So, that whole long spiel seemed like a teaser! Are you sure you're not female. You did a really good job recreating the mood, if not. :) "Ah kingly kiss-- no more regret nor old deep memories to mar the bliss; where the low sedge is thick, the gold day-lily outspreads and rests...
  3. Waterdweller

    Dan Swano NP thread!

    Well, I finally got my avatar !!!!!! It needs work, but I am so proud! So, sorry for what I am now playing. Don't jump on me, but I am listening to excerpts from Die Fledermaus. I just wanted to get my avatar on the post ! Hmm...what shall Lazarus say today....I shall be cheeky...and it...
  4. Waterdweller

    Dan Swano NP thread!

    Reinhardt Django (Mr. Long is napping :)
  5. Waterdweller

    Q and A

    Because it is a place in Europe. What forest? "Sex should be friendly. Otherwise stick to mechanical toys; it's more sanitary." -Lazarus Long
  6. Waterdweller

    Q and A

    Between Kether and Chokmah? I know, my question was hokey, but I was deep in thought about something else at the time, and really just wanted another post. :) I let that be both my answer and question! "A touchstone to determine the actual worth of an 'intellectual' - find out how he...
  7. Waterdweller

    Q and A

    Moontower seemed rather young and new...would use the word immature, but it seems to have a bad connotation....and I don't mean it in negative light...just compared to more recent seems naive...but that is alluring in its own way...the frailty is what enhances it for me...guess...
  8. Waterdweller

    Crimson - Too Repetitive?

    I'm just trying to get my 20 posts so that I can have an avatar of my choice, but I must say that I like the fact that Crimson is repetetive. It allows me to tune it out consciously and enjoy it on the subconscious. Never really tried to follow it. I just allowed it to be. "Always tell her...
  9. Waterdweller

    Dan Swano NP thread!

    Dimmu Borgir - Broderskapet's Ring "Money is truthful. If a man speaks of his honor, make him pay cash.' -Lazarus Long
  10. Waterdweller

    Q and A

    Nightfall Overture Hmm, trying to make sense of what I want to ask. Do you ever have a lyric from one of Dan's songs pop into your head in the middle of day to day stuff? If so, what lyric? And, what are you doing? "When the fox gnaws - smile!" -Lazarus Long
  11. Waterdweller

    Summer of 2002

    OK, I broke down....I was told I needed to do 'something' this, now I can say that I wrote a post on but really...I enjoy simple, my summer will be quite full with them...too many to list...but they all involve the outside :)...I don't return to the water...
  12. Waterdweller

    Hey Dan

    Hmm...wish I could bottle up some of my emotions at the moment and send them your could make a Never say never.... "If you happen to be one of the fretful minority who can do creative work, never force an idea; you'll abort it if you do. Be patient and you'll...
  13. Waterdweller

    Favourite lyric phrase

    "I could sacrifice the knowledge and the powers I possess, To relive the moment when my hand caressed your frozen soul." It makes me feel like the scorpion, right as he stings the frog. Makes me yearn for a different nature. Ha! "Yield to temptation; it may not pass your way again."...
  14. Waterdweller

    Dan Swano NP thread!

    Leonard Cohen - Winter Lady Joseph Loduca - Lady of Winter Ygdrassil - Winter Lady A wonderful trilogy. Perhaps the order is incorrect. A work in progress. "I came, I saw, she conquered." (The original Latin seems to have been garbled.) -Lazarus Long
  15. Waterdweller

    Favourite track from TCC

    Well, I guess I'll be the black fish and choose Intermezzo. It is clearly the best of the bunch. None of the others touch it. I'll never figure you landwellers out. ;) "When the fox gnaws - smile!" -Lazarus Long