Recent content by Wave_D

  1. W

    Schecter Hellraiser V-1. Opinions?

    hey guys, I'm looking to buy a guitar that I can use mainly on the road, not so much at home or in the studio. A friend of mine is looking to sell his Schecter Hellraiser v-1 for $500. I might try to get it down to $450. It's in very good condition. I've never played Schecter's much, and I...
  2. W

    EQ before or after compressor?

    Good question, and once again it certainly is a matter of taste. I like to actually put the EQ before the compressor for the bass on the SSL channel when I'm Boosting the Low end on the EQ. It seems to allow me to get pretty aggressive with the EQ but lock the low end in place. Also, cutting...
  3. W

    No vocal booth, reflections suck!

    One thing to suggest..and I don't think anyone did is to not make the vocal booth TOO dead. It really can suck up all of your high end making the vocals kind of lifeless. I remember working in a studio I was not familiar with and wondering why the vocals were so "stuffy". I went into the...
  4. W

    Using an external click timbre via MIDI in protools?

    This is kinda silly, but you could just import or record in that voice and then cut the subdivisions up, lock them to the grid, and set the track to tick based and then whatever tempo you set it will automatically move them appropriately. If there's midi on his device use the midi beat clock...
  5. W

    download new "Headcrusher" Megadeth track today!

    Andy, Any reason why you skipped out on the D6 on the Kick? I have to admit while I like it alot, I sometimes finds it kind of paints me in a corner especially in the high end, meaning it's not as moldable as other kick drum mics...even though they don't sound as good as the D6 at first. Also...
  6. W

    I need your help for an overhead tutorial

    I've always looked at my overheads as cymbal mics, so really I just make sure I'm capturing what cymbals I want and what I don't want with the mic and getting the best sound. Spaced pair always worked best for me. I've sometimes had to ignore the 3:1 rule due to the size of the kit and the...
  7. W

    Considering the Waves SSL Bundle. Any owners?

    While I love the compressor on the Channelstrip, I do find it a bummer that there is only a slow and fast setting and that it automatically does the make up gain. The problem is on the slow attack(which seems about 10ms-15ms) your definitely letting some of the transient go through, which is...
  8. W


    ok guys.
  9. W

    Katatonia Boss GT-3

    wow....the good ol' GT-3. I just recently sold mine on craiglist. The distortions are indeed terrible compared to the newer amp modelers. I did like the fantasy patch and a few of the clean patches. I remember when I first bought it..i was blown away by it and used it on my first recording. I...
  10. W

    Preparing your tracks for reamping: A Guide

    James...IIRC you used to use the countryman DI. Any reason why you switched? I've been starting to use one for the past couple of months. Reamped a few of those DI's and have gotten pretty good results. Not exactly what I was going for but some of the guys were awful players and some had OK...
  11. W

    Collective questions for Mr. Sneap -thread

    Andy, two questions and thanks again for answering! I'm curious to know if you are still using drumagog for your sample replacement, and if so, do you find yourself still going in and checking the phase or timing of the printed samples as compared to the original track? No matter how I set...
  12. W

    .rar extractor

    thanks for the replies guys. i'll check the suggestions out.
  13. W

    .rar extractor

    can anyone recommend me a good .rar extractor thats free? for mac or pc would work. thanks
  14. W

    Noise when sliding the strings,sample incuded

    i've heard that you can just duplicate the parts when the slide happens onto another track and invert the phase to cancel the slides. Might be worth trying...although I never have had to yet.
  15. W

    Instrument seperation and opening up a mix

    use subtractive EQ as much as possible. If you feel you need a brighter snare track, you might find yourself getting better results by cutting the low mid area. I find cutting around the low mids sounds the same as boosting the high mids..but your also making room for other instruments also. It...