Recent content by Wayfaerer666

  1. Wayfaerer666

    Opeth: The New Beatles?

    What is the name of your band? What are the chances of me having heard of you? Bwahahaha! That was impeccably timed! BRIAN Look, you've got it all wrong, You don't need to follow me. You don't need to follow anybody! You've got to think for yourselves. You're all individuals...
  2. Wayfaerer666

    Poetry thread!

    Nope... I don't really read much poetry, I just do what I have to (our singer can't write a damn thing) to have some vocals in our songs!
  3. Wayfaerer666

    Poetry thread!

    I couldn't find the rest of that other song I wrote (I guess my vocalist must have the only other copy), so here is something else, which I think is just as cool... If bleaker night could dawn With tenfold gloom on moonlit nights unstarred A limpid labyrinth of dreams Where wind-bitten...
  4. Wayfaerer666

    The search for deleted CD's continues...

    Does anyone know of a good resource with which to acquire deleted CD's? In particular I am looking for an excellent melodic death/doom band called Schaliach, who released one album called "Sonrise" back in '97, when melodic death wasn't lame. Fans of Extol should also take note; Schaliach...
  5. Wayfaerer666

    while we're on the subject of opeth...

    For anyone trying to sample some new tunes, try this link - it has loads of really decent progressive mp3's, and more.
  6. Wayfaerer666

    Poetry thread!

    Thanks, man
  7. Wayfaerer666

    Poetry thread!

    Here is an exerpt of some of the lyrics I wrote for my band. The rest is pretty cool as well, but I don't have access to it right now. Sigh. Narcissis drowns, and Pangaea shifts, While Micromegas dines on a banquet of extinguished stars And explosions of colour exhaled through a desert...
  8. Wayfaerer666

    The Moor

    Is it just me, or am I one of the few people who think that Godheads Lament is the best track on the album?
  9. Wayfaerer666

    Will Opeth tour the southeastern states?

    I hope they will do some shows in Virginia at some stage after their July/ August tour, as I will only be there in September. My timing sucks - I arrive in the US just after everyone leaves. Aargh! Decent bands never come to SA, so I haven't seen anyone cool, except for the Haunted. Thus, as one...
  10. Wayfaerer666

    opeth should get a different producer

    I confess, I find it peculiar when I read people's comments regarding the production of Deliverance and Damnation compared with that of BWP. BWP has a far more clinical, clean sounding production than Deliverance and Damnation. The music on Deliverance was produced by Andy Sneap, and he tends to...
  11. Wayfaerer666


    Thanks. It's been pretty cool thus far.
  12. Wayfaerer666

    Does anyone out there think that opeth is over-rated?

    I think the crucial reason why Opeth seems to be experiencing almost universal acclaim right now is that ultimately, they are a great, unique band, with an uncanny ability to synthesise seemingly disparate genre's into their music - something which I, as a musician, appreciate immensely. The key...
  13. Wayfaerer666


    Greetings all, Well, as the subject suggests, this is me introducing myself to the rest of the peons of this community. I guess the principle reason for joining this forum, other than the obvious - that is, a love of Opeth, I feel I need to respond to the many, quite frankly, idiotic posts...