Recent content by Wegu

  1. Wegu

    FML (again)

    It's gonna be all right.
  2. Wegu

    ITT we post funny pictures...

    New wireless technology in Serbia!
  3. Wegu

    Anyone want to try vocals on this one?

    Hey guys, i was just wondering if someone wants to try do some vocals on this song that i made a year ago. I can't sing so it would be nice to see how it sounds with vocals. It's a metal/rock/punk song. Not the best mix or anything...
  4. Wegu

    comment my mix please ..advices,comments and critics :D

    Where did you get stems? I'd like to give it a shot too :)
  5. Wegu

    How do you get over musicians block?

    Do you guys have good tips to overcome musicians block? It is more than frustrating, and getting frustrated does make it even worse :err: Feels bad when you start to doubt yourself, even tough you have written some cool tracks before, but now all sounds shit, all feel shit etc. u get the point.
  6. Wegu

    Impulse FAQ :)

    Do you have cab plugged to your amp? Because i want to do this without having to get cabinet to my apartment too.
  7. Wegu

    Impulse FAQ :)

    Hmm, yeah. It would be nice if someone could shed some light on that? I mean i don't want to fuck up my amp by not knowing what to do etc.
  8. Wegu

    Impulse FAQ :)

    Might be a noob question but is it possible to use real amp (bugera 333xl in this case) and just plug it in to a interface (motu) and use impulses on daw? Do i need something else? Is there need for a dummyload? i can get countryman di box if that is needed!
  9. Wegu

    New Mac user seeking some assistance!

    What loaders and amp sims you use for logic? last night i tried using lecto and logic's own space designer loaded with some random cab impulses. I feel like i should get to this whole reamping thing, i'v been using pod xt sounds like for ages... :err:
  10. Wegu

    Metalcore-ish clip, what do you think?

    Thanks! what exactly you mean by "bitey" ? too much high-end? Anyway thanks for your input : )
  11. Wegu

    Metalcore-ish clip, what do you think?

    This is one of my first mixes that i think sound somewhat decent. What do you guys think? Musically nothing exciting, and it's the first time that i tried to record vocals. Guitars recorded with pod xt live, Bass is two tracks, Di and one with distortion blended. Drums are sd2, snare and kick...
  12. Wegu

    Toto - Africa

    Sounds good man! :) had to listen this two times in row.
  13. Wegu

    Toontrack Metal Machine (new EZX)

    This seems like a good deal but is there any place you can buy the download for them at the same price range?
  14. Wegu

    Addictive drums?

    I have used Addictive drums for like six months now and have got pretty good sounds out of it. Btw im new at replacing drums, i feel like i should replace the kick from addictive drums with some samples. How do you do this in logic pro9? I know i have to route kickdrum out of addictive drums...
  15. Wegu

    MIDI Metal Drums for everyone using Addictive Drums, Superior, etc...

    Hi! I bought those loops and i am having problems with them in addictive drums. It seems like mapping is not right, what mapping should i use in addictive drums? Im using ad version 1.5.1.