Recent content by Weresheep

  1. W

    New video

    Not bad at all!
  2. W

    Drums or guitar?

    Which one should I choose? Money is not a problem. I'm kinda big (not fat) and strong. Does that give me an advantage with drums or doesn't it make any difference? Thanks for any answers.
  3. W

    Metal to Sleep to?

    When I read the title, I thought "Burzum", but I see you've already listed it. Still, I'm going to say it. Burzum. His Dark Ambient albums (Dauði Baldrs and Hliðskjálf) are great to sleep to. Filosofem isn't too bad either.
  4. W

    Black Metal.

    Must be my favorite genre. The Norwegian bands are best, which fits be pretty good, since I'm Norwegian : )
  5. W

    The First Bodom Song You Ever Heard?

    I was at my friend's house. He told me to listen to some crap that a friend of his listened to. I kind of liked it, but said it sucked :P I can't recall what song it was, but it was something from Hatebreeder/AYDY, I think. Bed of Razors became my favorite song when I got home.
  6. W

    Fav bodom album poll!!

    Hatebreeder is my favorite. Something Wild or FtR is second.
  7. W

    Easy Metal Tabs

    You shouldn't just play music that you like. You should start with something very easy (some rock shit), then work your way up.
  8. W

    Official buying advice thread

    Yeah, an electronic drumset would be nice. It looks kinda silly, though. I've also heard that its a little bit easier to play (no personal experience, just rumour). Would probably be enough til he is 18 and moves out (assuming he does).
  9. W

    Trelldom tabs?

    Gaahl and King got the rights for "Gorgoroth" now. Infernus left. I'm not sure what's going to happen to Infernus' band The Force Gorgoroth, but he'll probably get sued or something.
  10. W

    Guitar or drums?

    Hello. I am considering buying myself a guitar or a drumkit. I'm not sure what I should choose. I think both of them are cool. I'm a relatively big (not fat) and strong person. So what do you think? Is the fact that I'm big an advantage for drumming? -Thanks for any answers
  11. W

    How Will You Listen Blooddrunk?

    When I get the CD (pre-ordered), I'll put it in my CD-player and listen to it until my dad starts yelling at me. I'll have to wear the ziphoodie too, of course, to get the extra good feeling.