Recent content by wills0r

  1. W

    Effects chain set up

    Alright guys I got a question on which is best for my effects chain and all. Im running either a (gibson explorer emg 81/85) with MM-04 boost or (edards al 166 blackout 2) with MM-04 boost -> zakk whylde wah -> a/b -> Head (A)(A going to my Randall with the effects for brutal gain and (B...
  2. W

    NEW Edwards edition of Alexi's Pink Sawtooth

    The ESP made in USA..CS, ive heard of both Japan CS and USA CS, was just clarifing.
  3. W

    NEW Edwards edition of Alexi's Pink Sawtooth

    I got a wing broke from the mic stand that dared to stand in its way, but the mic stand got bent so I guess its even..
  4. W

    NEW Edwards edition of Alexi's Pink Sawtooth

    Well the RR24M has the huge fucking wing which can actualy hit your funny bone sometimes. Ive done it -.- I like the black with yellow bevels and black with red for the RR24M. I think theres a black with green and a white with black too. I must say though, I love every guitar and want them all...
  5. W

    NEW Edwards edition of Alexi's Pink Sawtooth

    Its all he's done for 15 years, customizing guitars. He better be good at it! haha
  6. W

    NEW Edwards edition of Alexi's Pink Sawtooth

    Well my brother works at the local music shop said he'd cut me a deal. All I need to do is bring the pup and it would be 50$. I guess im lucky n_n
  7. W

    NEW Edwards edition of Alexi's Pink Sawtooth

    Man the RR24M is bad ass, I have one! All I can say, is pick which guitar you think looks better the edwards or the jackson. Both are good and you can always change pups.. People say a lot of bad stuff because jackson is now fender or something but i think of it this way, same people in the same...
  8. W

    NEW Edwards edition of Alexi's Pink Sawtooth

    Caught this baby on ebay, I figured I would go ahead and get it..This guitar lets a man be able to wear something pink, and still look bad ass. I like the set up with the emg hz passives and the mm-04 boost, was thinking of having another emg hz passive in the nect installed too if it was possible.
  9. W

    NEW Edwards edition of Alexi's Pink Sawtooth

    Thanks man its really good quality, even compared to my Gibsons and ESP USA CS. I bought it brand new for 1.3k plus 120$ for shipping from japan to my country self here in VA haha.
  10. W

    NEW Edwards edition of Alexi's Pink Sawtooth

    This is my alexi pink sawtooth from edwards, just bought it! It still has the emg hz passive with mm-04 boost. (btw the inlays are the flourecent stuff, no idea what it is. Not MoP though.
  11. W

    Grendel dead room iso cab, opinions?

    True indeed, I guess in the little box you dont want too much volume anyway. Would just be overkill because the mic would probably make it sound bad at high volumes. Thanks for the reminder Metaltastic ^_^
  12. W

    Grendel dead room iso cab, opinions?

    haha yeah i was wondering about that im like "One speaker at 75 watts... 100 watt head... HMMMM" was thinking abotu the zakk's 300 watt EV speaker too...
  13. W

    Grendel dead room iso cab, opinions?

    The grendel dead room is nice so I've heard. I was wondering what would be best to run this with? Like a 100watt head and run it at 50 watt? or what. Was thinking about the cel 75 speaker..