Recent content by wish to die in summer rains..

  1. W


    I ADORE OPETH!there's no other way and love u all:))my enemy's enemy is my friend but my friend's friend is my friend also(a turkish saying,hunaski will know it)but ı don't like damnation:(
  2. W

    opeth's response to turkish fans ;)

    hey u had just exaggerated!and atrocity yes it is an very ancient tradition-name is "nazar boncuğu" but it does't bring good luck,just protects you from the bad effects and spirits-there are REALLY very much opeth fan in turkey and ı'm really looking forward to see them again in istanbul!!
  3. W

    Sex and Opeth

    ı think that's not funny too..and foxdvd ı wish u a speedy recovery for that fuckin problem of yours-no solution found except if u are a REAL idiot
  4. W

    My Opeth Wallpaper

    ı've chosen thelordofguitars' last one-ı really liked it-congratulations!