Recent content by witchhunterni

  1. witchhunterni

    Your Gateway Metal Bands

    It was so long ago, but judging by posts from th depths of my terrible past here it was System Of A Down who got me into anything remotely heavy first. Then followed Trivium I think, then a shitload of everything.
  2. witchhunterni

    What kinda girls do you go for?

    Pale and weird. And from what I seem to have ended up with, a fringe is quite a popular hair trend. And petit boobies because HNNNG, fucking cute.
  3. witchhunterni

    Looking for somw Shoegaze

    Serena-Maneesh Ceremony (or at least, a Ceremony, there are a few) Stellarium Maribel (they basically are MBV (I swear that song is just 'Soon' under a different name), I don't really care though) Yo La Tengo (they do a lot more than just shoegaze though). A Place To Bury Strangers...
  4. witchhunterni

    Good metalcore

    Not really metalcore but I guess they're related enough: [url=[/url] They also kick the fucking rape out of stuff.
  5. witchhunterni

    Power Metal

    In the hall of the mouuuntttaaaaiiiiin kiiiiiiing.
  6. witchhunterni

    Doom that's drugged out sounding

    Kyuss - Blues For The Red Sun Kyuss - Welcome To Sky Valley Those are both fucking awesome rock albums that are completely relevant to your request. Also this just popped up on radio for me: Acid King - Busse Woods
  7. witchhunterni


    Maybe it's not a good idea for me to admit this, but beer makes me feel ill. Is it something that people are just naturally inclined to or does everyone have some kind of pleasure/pain thing going on with the damn stuff? I can't enjoy it, ever. The whole moldy grains flavour just doesn't sit...
  8. witchhunterni

    What are you listening to now ?

    Boris - Feedbacker, Part 4 Oh my god this album is gigantic.
  9. witchhunterni

    Death From Above 1979

    You could giveme time to first :Saint:
  10. witchhunterni

    Death From Above 1979

    lol, they released one album in...2004 and a couple of EPs before they split up. Not really much delving to do :(
  11. witchhunterni

    Death From Above 1979

    Apparently I got into the party too late, but whatever. Respect to anyone who can rock the fuck out on just one drum kit and a bass guitar. Now where are the other bands like this? Because I don't think there are any :(
  12. witchhunterni


    Hahahahahahhaaahha.a...what a faggoty band with a faggot singer. ....I like them too. 'And The Glass Handed Kites' is so silly yet so good, I love 'Why Are You Looking Grave' through to 'The Saviours Of Jazz Ballet' so much. Also 'Am I Wry - No' has to be one of my favourite pop/rock songs ever.
  13. witchhunterni


    Are you not a fan of Danger? Anyway...Daft Punk, Justice, Boys Noize, SebastiAn, Danger and new ones every once in a while. Maybe it's because I come from likin rock and metal, but crunchier sounding synths and samples are much preferable for me.
  14. witchhunterni

    Looking for more stoner metal

    I don't know any stoner 'metal' in particular but... Seconding early Spiritual Beggars (Another Way To Shine), though the recent albums are pure balls to the...something hard rock and thus rock. Astroqueen are a band with one album, but it's good. Dozer sound pretty much exactly the...
  15. witchhunterni

    Hard rock

    I like hard rock/stoner rock. Nice when I occasionally want to blast something that hits home instantly with rawk power. Though these are more stoner rock-ish. Which...