Recent content by wlkr

  1. W

    Use which mics?

    I've borrowed a bunch of mics a few days for drum tracking, but I need some suggestions/tips on what would be best to use them on. I'm obviously going to try all sorts of different options, but a few pointers would be much appreciated! I've got: 1 Audix D6 - kick 1 Sennheiser e901 - kick...
  2. W

    Melo/prog death?

  3. W

    Melo/prog death?

    Just finished my latest mix for a new project, but I need some feedback! Guitars are LeCto/TSE X30, bassdrum is 90% replaced and snare about 50% (blend of different samples). Much appreciated!
  4. W

    Post some catchy ass songs! Strut that ass!
  5. W

    Metalheads who also listen to rap

    This thread is missing Sound Providers!
  6. W

    EQ suggestions for Portal

    This sounds like shite. Like old school BM dropped a couple of octaves, and lacking any memorable riffs. I'd rather listen to Disembowelment for some good grindy doom.
  7. W

    Unofficial raw unmixed album teaser for you guys! (Instrumental)

    Sounds great! Really tasty drumming - especially the part at 1:10.
  8. W

    Drummers: broken cymbals?

    Use them in stacks or cut them down to splashes/bells.
  9. W

    Must have DVD for drummers....

    Check out this DVD. Legendary drummer with a pretty basic (except two rides) setup.
  10. W

    taming the dynamics of replaced drums

    Or set the dynamic tracking to 50% or so, so it doesn't sound too artificial.
  11. W

    Need recording cymbal suggestions

    +1. Grab a Wuhan if you want a loud, thrashy china, but try it out before you buy one. When I got mine, I tested 4-5 16" Wuhan chinas at the store, and all of them sounded different.
  12. W

    The best band/tone you have never heard of

    I liked it, tho the vocalist had a terrible accent. What he's doing nowadays is some pretty catchy stuff IMO! Shit lyrics, but the music's not bad.
  13. W

    Meshuggah - ObZen Production

    Disgusting wood block snare? The snare on Chaosphere fucking kills. Best thing on that album IMO. On topic, I'm not the biggest fan of the production on ObZen, but I wouldn't call it unbearable.
  14. W

    Recommend me some music

    A few melodic bands with clean vocals: Criminally underrated prog metal band. Check out the Momentum Shift with DiGiorgio on bass! Horrible video, cool band. Start with Unlimited. Similar to Mercenary, though not as good vocals. Check out the first album.