Recent content by Wobbler

  1. W


    Thanks Wanda.. oops, guess I should have thought more than one guitar/bass player in the band might have something to do with it! Anyone else in the band (or not) with an endorsement deal got anything they can add? (other than pointing out how many different typos I can do for endorsement in...
  2. W


    Interesting.... I've worked as a design engineer for many years now doing high end comercial audio products... As a guitar player as well I've often toyed with the idea of designing some guitar gear.... But I know very little of the marketing in the MI buisness. Now I'd never really expect...
  3. W

    Nita "Mega Murray" Strauss

    oops, was that an elephant in the room?
  4. W

    Music Without Boundaries

    Just listend to Court's interview as well... Love it, in the background all you can hear is 'pfssst', 'chink' as another beer is opened!
  5. W

    Nita "Mega Murray" Strauss

    I agree... Cant help wondering though, why the add for female guitarists on the band webpage? I hope this is for a Janick rather than to replace one of the existing line up...
  6. W

    Music Without Boundaries

    Nita, The first song you learnt was a Linkin Park one? Could be worse.. When I was teaching a teenager to play bass, he wanted me to show him some linkin park tracks, he played me some and I am sure I heard a maiden riff slipped into one of their tracks somewhere? My first song was Boston's...