Recent content by Wolfcollar

  1. W

    City life or Country Life?

    ive lived in town all my life but now im living with a friend whos family owns a shop out in the middle of nowhere....where i can make all the noise i want and attract zero attention...i can weld, work on cars, drum, do whatever i love to live in a plae like that
  2. W

    The Mysticism Thread

    I personally practice Wicca. Wicca isn't what people sometimes connect it we don't worship the devil, we don't believe in the devil...but thats beside the point. As a witch....or sometimes i like to say im more a shaman...i am deeply into nature....i have many different stones for...
  3. W

    Bands with awesome vocalist, clean singing.

    OMG I saw the name of this thread and immediately I think Kamelot......first thing you say is Roy Khan....Love you already :) Btw I'm Anyway here are a long as you don't mind female singers: Delain (april Rain especially) Epica (worked with Roy) Within Temptation Sirenia...