Recent content by +Woot+

  1. +Woot+

    Mad World

    thanks peoples.. much appreciated.
  2. +Woot+

    Mad World

    does anyone know who sings the song Mad World?? starts with a 'G' i think... ahhh... i have no idea. help please... thanks.
  3. +Woot+


    welcome.. hope you have fun around here.. lol.. or what ever :Spin:
  4. +Woot+

    The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

    im a huge rammstein fan, if you dont know who rammstein is... shame shame shame!! (think du hast) anyway.. one of my fav songs by them is Ohne Dich, its not heavy like most of their stuff... its a nice song. you should listen to it. another of my fav songs is by Dimmu, called Burn in Hell...
  5. +Woot+

    new need help

    what do u mean tips about bands?
  6. +Woot+

    You kick like a Sissy?????

    its yuck even if it was fake... eww.
  7. +Woot+

    Whats your fav song??

    i have no clue if this has been asked.. but what is ur FAV song? ill start i guess.. Burn In Hell - Dimmu
  8. +Woot+

    You kick like a Sissy?????

    holy crap!! did the bone just disapear in his ankle or something?? freaky!!
  9. +Woot+

    How did you find the Ultimate Metal Forum? *

    google yeah.. boring i know. :hotjump: << i like that thing hehehe
  10. +Woot+

    List here what you're addicted to!

    hmmm... no order: -internet -music.. -anime -cigarettes -FFR -walrus's -stupid insults.. for eg. forever calling people freaks.. (its a good thing, trust me!!!!)
  11. +Woot+

    Yes, i'm new.

    hey everyone, thought i should introduce myself. i'm Cath, i live in australia.. and i stumbled upon this terrific forum thingo and decided i had to join. i love metal.. rammstein happens to be my fav band.. always will be. anyway, see yas around. :Spin: