Recent content by Word Bearer

  1. W

    Canadian metal quality quandary

    Raise the overheads slightly on the kit. The kick is getting really lost, so I'd have another look at that.
  2. W

    Quick mix - how can I improve it?

    Liking this. Guitars are a little fizzy for my taste, I'd back off the gain just a tad and bring the bass up a little more. I'm assuming SD2.0 for the drums?
  3. W

    Couple of Tone Tests

    Hi guys, pretty new to this forum, been lurking a while but thought I'd throw something out there for some advice. Working on recording and reworking a selection of old songs and wanted to post up the first few Tone Tests. The clips are just Guitar and drums, no bass yet. Drums are Addictive...
  4. W

    First mix tips

    Thanks Plankis, will check through the tones, however I've only got the basic PodFarm, no metal shop so can't use the Big Bottom that seems to be the basis of a lot of the most regarded tones out there. May experiment more with the LeCto plugin and some impulses though.
  5. W

    First mix tips

    Hey guys, only just joined this forum so thought I'd jump right in and post up something for critique. Been working on this for a little while, experimenting with varying tones. Settled on using just Pod Farm for now, though messed around with a few other Poulin plugins. This is just a...