Recent content by wrongscience

  1. W

    kill ALL arabs

  2. W

    kill ALL arabs

  3. W

    Drunken Society

    who said anything about being bitter? of course it nags me to be wrong, but being wrongscience and all, im pretty much used to the feeling. I am, however, a large cake. Not mega, nor maxi - simply large.
  4. W

    Drunken Society

    im a large cake
  5. W

    Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King

    Reality BITES! That´s why Tolkien has got his books on a large silver screen now.. reality? how come you feel something is more real than other things? do you know what real is? or do you know only your real? ----- Feeding off dead people doesnt mean youre alive.
  6. W

    With what why?

    I was. But I kindda created a new thread. And what an interesting thread at that.
  7. W

    Hey Strangelight

    i feel unwelcom e- in true shape or in what i feel like being. Winning exists outside me, but i would like to.
  8. W

    With what why?

    And that is your opinion. I wanted to quote myself, but that seems like restating the obvious. Of course you need to learn by mistakes - no one can live without them - or live without being them. And of course we are influence by what we are exposed to - using the word "stupidity"...
  9. W


    sooo... are we all like likes? like every other like? ----- I feel like disturbing my likeness to like ( something )
  10. W

    With what why?

    Then why the hell are you in here? Of course it´s obvious! Stating the obvious is what everything, Ive read in here is all about! The sad part is that all of you spent the time you did, creating egos based on other´s words and originality. Or lack thereof, as far as I can tell. You...
  11. W

    With what why?

    quote: originally posted by peewee1473 --------------------------------------------------- Hm, I might have gotten it. I don't think he is saying that we shouldn't listen to lyrics or enjoy them, he's saying we shouldn't use them as a vessel to interpret our own lives. We should find...
  12. W

    With what why?

    if you are not scared, why take a stand?
  13. W

    With what why?

    Success! Someone says, im a moron.... I am. Someone says, im suicidal.... I might be, but it´s very unlikely. Noone agrees to what I said. And that was my point. Im not surprised over the fact that nobody got the picture, cuz there was no picture made for anyone to get. Guessing...
  14. W

    What Opeth lyric says the most about you?

    Seeing topics, like this one forcing lesser persons ( or no persons at all or simply those without the ability to create for themselves ) to sort out one´s musical point of view, saddens me and takes away my desire to be nice to anyone. Why does music have to say anything about YOU? YOU are...
  15. W

    With what why?

    Seeing topics, like this one forcing lesser persons ( or no persons at all or simply those without the ability to create for themselves ) to sort out one´s musical point of view, saddens me and takes away my desire to be nice to anyone. Why does music have to say anything about YOU? YOU are...