Recent content by Xantern

  1. Xantern

    Grand Morbid Funeral

    The vocals clicked with me after the first few songs during my first listen. Call it blasphemous, but I think Nick Holmes' vocals suit the band's old school death metal sound much better than Michael Akerfeldt.
  2. Xantern

    Does angry metal calm you down?

    Always. Metal is my go-to outlet. Extreme metal seems to be the most cathartic, so the heavier the band, the better I'm gonna feel afterwords.
  3. Xantern

    Brutal/Slam Death Metal

    Didn't truly get into slam until this past summer. I'll admit, it can be pretty generic and repetitive, and if I listen to it too much, I feel my brain kind of numbing, but I love it nonetheless. Aside from the bigger names in slam (oxymoron), I'm really into Guttural Slug, who are supposedly...
  4. Xantern

    The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

    Listening to Serial Urbicide by Extermination Dismemberment. Slam numbs my mind just enough to make me forget I'm going back to University tomorrow.
  5. Xantern

    Should have joined a long time ago

    Don't have an excess of friends into metal, so I thought it would be fun to join this forum and talk about one of the most important things in my life: metal. Looking forward to the many discussions I have with the members of this forum. Sidenote: Currently listening to Serial Urbicide by...