Recent content by xDarkWolfx

  1. xDarkWolfx

    Describe the person above you.

    tries too hard to be funny
  2. xDarkWolfx

    Don't You Ever!

    That was so deep. You guys, Mutiny within, you gotta keep going. Youre already awesome and youll only get better from here. Keep up the good work. I love you guys.
  3. xDarkWolfx

    Describe the person above you.

    has an adorable avatar
  4. xDarkWolfx

    What are you listening to?

    Sacramentum by Kalmah
  5. xDarkWolfx

    Guitar Player's Thread

    Oh. No I mean i want to play good enough to do a song straight through. But i dont really want to try any Eddie Van Halen solo type guitar playing.
  6. xDarkWolfx

    Guitar Player's Thread

    I want to play good but still be a casual player
  7. xDarkWolfx

    A little something I'd like to ask...

    yeah. They should come to the ny/nj area. Starland ballroom or somewhere in nyc.
  8. xDarkWolfx

    A7X Live Interview!!

    Im watching now. thx for the link :)
  9. xDarkWolfx

    Guitar Player's Thread

    I can only play some chords on an acoustic. anybody have an idea what the next step should be?
  10. xDarkWolfx

    Suicide Silence's real fans?

    Suicide Silence is a band i just always heard of from my friends. when i got into the really heavy side of metal i listened to a few songs from them and i thought it was cool. Keep in mind i havent seen what they looked like until later. i dont care that the singer of In Flames looks like some...
  11. xDarkWolfx

    I miss old bassist.

    If the old bassist was the one on The Gallery yeah i miss him too.
  12. xDarkWolfx

    Vikk's Sig Appreciation Thread

    oh my god haha. that just made my day.
  13. xDarkWolfx

    Anders has cut his dreads off

    I like it. he looks more professional. I remember first time i saw the Mirrors Truth video i thought he looked like some murderer. lol
  14. xDarkWolfx

    Describe the person above you.

    cool profile pic