Recent content by xxlespaulxx

  1. xxlespaulxx

    Micd guitar question

    Hey all, I'm mixing a single for a local CT band "Virtue" and they wanted to go with micd guitars rather than my usual method of DI and POD Farm. I used a sm57 on center and a ribbon mic about 4 feet back from the cab. We used my ibanez tube screamer, 6505+ head and an orange ppc412. When by...
  2. xxlespaulxx

    Of Mice And Men - The Flood

    Definitely, I tried out some automation and I'm getting pretty close to the effect :kickass:
  3. xxlespaulxx

    Of Mice And Men - The Flood

    The bass tone on The Flood by Of Mine & Men seriously blows me away, just how can I get the bass so it seriously pumps during breakdowns like around 0:31 and 1:07? I'm using POD Farm 2 for bass btw. ai0htHlsqZo&feature=relmfu