Recent content by xxSammaelxx

  1. X

    How do you warm up for live shows ?

    A shot of vodka to cool me down, then I go over some scales to get my fingers ready to play (Guitar.) Vocals I take a shot of vodka before I go on. Works for me.
  2. X

    Songs to play at your funeral

    A Dead Poem-Rotting Christ Sorrowful Farewell-Rotting Christ Or just complete silence...that would be nice.
  3. X

    Recommend some bands like...

    "...And Oceans"
  4. X

    Bands with clean and growling vocals

    Listen to Bathory. They own. Blood on ice is an excellent CD with clean vocals (One of my all time favourites,) and The Return contains some good raspy vocals.
  5. X


    I like some emocore. Stuff like A Static Lullaby, Stutterfly...stuff like that. And I like hardcore. I'm certainly not edge though. :erk:
  6. X

    How much do you fucking hate The Beatles?

    I just don't see how this works.
  7. X

    The nature of "value"

    My question is: But why? What is the ultimate cause to who we are? I see human life as a destructive influence on nature and animals, whose single purpose is to breed and expand to different places (Thus our lust for adventure, for excitement).
  8. X

    Free Will

    That's what I see God as. I see God as a saviour for the weak. God helps the weak be content to a degree with death, because God will be there in the afterlife, and will look after you and you will be OK. I also see god as a cop-out. When you have almost any (if not all) philosophical questions...
  9. X

    The fall of metal?

    Why should I respect Linkin Park and Britney Spears? Because OTHER people like them? Because those people are trendy fucks who follow the newest fashion pattern? I don't think so. It's not quantity, it's quality. Metal is true quality, (BM for example) in it for the music, not for the "image" or...
  10. X

    Some good Grindcore bands

    Yeah, I checked out some Nasum. Really good stuff.
  11. X

    Some good Grindcore bands

    I was wondering if you guys could list some for me, that'd be great.
  12. X

    Best and easiest file sharing program?

    Get your cd's and rip them onto your computer. Then put them in the mp3 folder you are sharing from and voila, you can download :)
  13. X

    Regarding Black Metal(serious)

    Black Metal kicks ass. If it doesn't click for you..then I guess it just doesn't...
  14. X

    avant/folk/black/epic type stuff

    This one's great.