Recent content by yars

  1. yars

    I've Got Wood...

    All you people with your RR's... Sorry about the pics being so large...but I'm just lazy enough forget about resizing them.
  2. yars

    I Just

    Woke up to a snow school! :rock:
  3. yars

    Now playing thread

    Dio-Rainbow in the Dark
  4. yars

    Own Pictures Thread

    Guys..face it. I look better than all of you combined. I don't, that was a dream..... :(
  5. yars

    I Just

    Put my hair into a "not-so" ponytail.
  6. yars

    Create your Own Evil Plan(tm)!

    Your objective is simple: Criminal Activities. Your motive is a little bit more complex: Madness Stage One To begin your plan, you must first incinerate a pope. This will cause the world to give one another worried looks, confused by your arrival. Who is this despoiler of all that is good...
  7. yars

    I'm wearing boots of escaping!

    I love that show. Did you see the other one with Oswalt where he tried to run an axe through someone?
  8. yars

    Now playing thread

  9. yars

    This man owns you.

    I'd just go with a chapman stick, personally... Those are still very cool though.
  10. yars

    Now playing thread

    Dream Theater-This Dying Soul
  11. yars

    I Just

    Well you're not a very good canadian are you? :grin: To make this relevant.....I just got Dream Theater-Live from Budokan
  12. yars

    I Just

    Almost the same! Except the crying part......because I'm too uhh.....manly.....I hope...*runs*
  13. yars

    I Just

    I just realized thanksgiving is in a couple of days. Looking forward to the food!!!
  14. yars

    I Just

    I just found out I have two papers due tomorrow that I haven't started on.....hooray...
  15. yars

    I Just

    I just completed my extended essay for school. That thing = a beast