Recent content by YdoUneedAname?

  1. YdoUneedAname?

    Black Metal.

    Do any of you like Weakling?
  2. YdoUneedAname?

    Unblack Metal

    I listen to both "secular" and "christian" black metal. I listen to both of them purely for the music itself. No, I don't ignore the lyrics, I am just stating that I will listen to whatever regardless of the lyrical message. I am not a christian, though I used to be. I still enjoy christian...
  3. YdoUneedAname?


    Mgła - "Further Down The Nest II"
  4. YdoUneedAname?


    Emperor - "Towards The Pantheon"
  5. YdoUneedAname?


    I lot of people consider them death/doom because that is what they are labeled under at Based upon the description I read about Funeral Doom, Evoken is it.
  6. YdoUneedAname?


    Funeral Doom. Very dark. I suggest them. Also, you can download some of their material for free (and legally) here -
  7. YdoUneedAname?

    shriek vocals

    The way I shriek is almost like how I growl. Its hard to explain. I just learned it from experimentation. I was lisetning to Crimson Moonlight alot, and eventually my Shreik became somwhat like their vocalist, but a little more shrill. Just experiment. I suggest you listen to "Painful Mind...
  8. YdoUneedAname?


    Shining (Swe) - "Sjalvdestruktivitetens Emissarie"
  9. YdoUneedAname?


    Deathspell Omega - "Second Prayer"
  10. YdoUneedAname?


    Shining (Swe) - "Yttligare Ett Steg Närmare Total Jävla Utfrysning"
  11. YdoUneedAname?

    New DSO leaked

    I haven't had time to listen to the album in its entirety. I like what I have heard so far, but I haven't heard it enough to say if I think it measures up to Kenose and Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice (my two favorite Deathspell Omega albums) or not. By the way, this is my first post even...