Recent content by Yelgath

  1. Y

    String Gauge - Does it really matter?

    But is there really an "easiness" of thin strings? Tone set aside, are they really any easier to play fast on? Obviously bends are easier on them, but unless you have monstrously high action it kinda seems like fretting a string wouldn't differ based on string gauge. I'm just curious, because...
  2. Y

    Ear plugs

    12 decibels of reduction is not sufficient for playing on stage in front a PA blasting out 120+ dB of sound. Bite the bullet and spend a couple hundred on custom fitted in ear ear MONITORS, not just custom earplugs. These things dramatically reduce outside noise, but they're in-ear monitors too...
  3. Y

    Beginning guitar

    Hello McCherry, I realize this thread is a bit old but in case you're still around.. I recommend 3 things that I guarantee will get you off to a good start. 1. Get a metronome and USE IT. Metronomes are often neglected but they are incredibly important in learning to play things quickly...
  4. Y

    Shred Guitar for the Club

    I get the feeling that a lot of people in this forum would whine about this because of the techno-pop beat, but I like it to be honest. Cool stuff.
  5. Y

    String Gauge - Does it really matter?

    This is totally random but I was just thinking... The general consensus is that thinner strings make it easier to play fast. The majority of shredders use little 9 gauge strings and some even use 8. I was thinking though that maybe it's similar to how beginners think that a thin flexible pick is...
  6. Y

    Floyd rose issue

    Glad to hear that things worked out.
  7. Y

    Floyd rose issue

    No problem. If/when you put on 11s, also do remember to rebalance the trem which you should be able to do yourself with a screw driver. You may know how to do that already, but if not, go to that link and look at the picture that's in the...
  8. Y

    How hard is learning to play the violin/viola?

    Bottom line I guess is that they each have some things more difficult and some more easy, but it's a fact that if you play guitar you have the advantage of fingers that are already somewhat trained. If you're interested in the violin then I definitely say go for it. It's a great instrument and...
  9. Y

    How hard is learning to play the violin/viola?

    This is true, although I do believe they make fretted violins if you really wanted to cheat. But true violins are fretless. With the violin if you don't know what you're doing, it's gonna sound like a screeching sound rather than a singing sound, true. But also you have to remember that with...
  10. Y

    How hard is learning to play the violin/viola?

    A lot of people would claim that the violin is harder because it has no frets. I disagree. Both guitar and violin are hard to learn WELL. The biggest thing in my opinion that makes guitar difficult is playing clean and getting really good at articulation.. There are just so many different...
  11. Y

    Floyd rose issue

    A properly set up Floyd Rose should never go out of tune. The guitar I've been using a lot lately is a Jackson RR3 which doesn't even have an original floyd rose. It has a license floyd rose, and it still stays in tune. I have a couple suggestions.. Firstly, if you're tuning in D standard you...
  12. Y

    Who downloads/who does'nt

    I don't download illegally because I actually give a damn about the artists that I claim to love. In my opinion, if you spend your time talking about how great music is and what a great band so-and-so is, yet you can't pay $15 for an entire album when it comes out, you're a jackass. The only...
  13. Y

    The concerts thread

    Saw Children of Bodom and Devin Townsend in Norfolk VA a few night ago... Good show, CoB nailed everything they played. I was in the very front though and couldn't move the entire time... There was about 150 pounds of pressure pushed against me from behind and both sides the whole time. We were...
  14. Y

    I need opinions on amps!

    That was what I thought also. I really like the sound of the Savage, and it's not too much more than a Mark V. I know he does, and as I said I do like his tone.. But I'm not really trying to copy him or anyone else. Plus how many 80's Lee Jacksons do you see around these days? I'd get into...